Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bias Based in Fact

Our research papers should be based on facts. However, we need to have a "controlling idea" in our thesis statements. The controlling idea is actually an opinion (or interpretation). I think this is where some people are getting confused over the role of opinion or bias in our writing. Opinion isn’t a bad thing, but we need to make sure our opinions are informed by facts. For example, “The Affordable Care Act is a good thing for the American people (opinion) because it will provide healthcare to all Americans regardless of health or income levels (fact).” Or, “The Affordable Care Act is a bad thing for Americans (opinion) because it will only drive the country further into debt without a means to pay for it (fact).” See how they work together? 


  1. I agree with what you said that opinion isn't a bad thing, we just need to back them up with facts!

  2. in having to give an opinion I agree with you but sometimes giving an opinion makes your paper look bad as many people wont like the opinion your giving. so is it better to gather more facts than giving an opinion?

  3. opinion isn't a bad thing many people do believe being biased is wrong in which sometimes but all in all I honestly don't think it is wrong.

  4. i think having an opinion is not a problem, but the problem comes when that opinion can not be supported.
