Thursday, January 10, 2013

Be Adaptable

Even if you have already submitted and receive approval on a thesis statement, don't feel like you are stuck with it. Sometimes we go into our topic with one idea, but after researching more, we change our minds. This is perfectly fine.

You should also remain open to adjusting your thesis as you continue to research. You may find that your original idea is too broad, or too narrow, as you write. In these cases, changing your thesis will help make the writing process easier.

After you think you are done with your paper, you will also have to go back and cross-check your paper with your thesis. Does the thesis match the paper? Does the paper actually do what the thesis claims it would? If the thesis and paper don’t actually match, it will be much easier to change your thesis (only one line) as opposed to changing your whole paper (several pages). 

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