Monday, January 7, 2013

Thesis to Outline

Once you have an effective thesis statement, you can easily build an outline. Once you have an outline, writing the rest of your paper becomes a breeze because you know what you want to say, when you want to say it, and why you want to say it. Let me show you how easy this is.

Sample thesis:

Online college writing classes are the most effective way for students  to strengthen their writing skills because students get individualized evaluations, they feel more comfortable asking questions of instructors, and they build confidence in their writing skills by learning organization and research skills.

Sample Outline:
  1. Introduction
    1. Evolution of Online Writing Classes
    2. Overview of Current Offerings
    3. Thesis Statement
  2. Individualized Evaluations
    1. Weekly Feedback
    2. Corrected Assignments
  3. Comfort in Asking Questions
    1. Individual Forums
    2. Main Forum Discussions and Support
  4. Confidence in Writing Skills Built through Organization and Research Skills
    1. Organization Emphasized through Step by Step Process of Essay Writing
    2. Due Dates Evenly and Logically Planned
  5. Conclusion
    1. Overall Success of Online College Writing Classes
    2. Re-phrase Thesis Statement

See how the thesis statement fits easily into an outline? The key to a strong paper is a strong thesis. Once you have that thesis, everything else just comes together.

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