Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Role of Bias

Many people seem to think that not being biased means not having an opinion. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Bias has to do with allowing those opinions to cloud the facts.

For example, “I am in favor of the affordable care act because America is the only industrialized nation that doesn’t provide healthcare for its citizens” is not a biased statement. It presents a logical opinion based on fact. However, “I am against that communist act of congress known as Obamacare because it will lead to death-panels just like China.” This sentence uses biased language (‘communist’ and ‘Obamacare’) and has a concern not based in fact (there will not be any ‘death-panels’).

Now, am I personally biased in favor of the ACA? Yes. I have a chronic illness so actually receiving healthcare from the government will benefit me personally. But as long as I use facts and reason to support my belief and don’t let my personal issues cloud my judgment, then there is nothing biased or wrong about giving voice to my belief.

Also, remember that your paper must form an *argument.* How would you be able to do that if you didn’t have an opinion?

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