going to make your lives very, very easy for you all. Today I'm going to show
you how to format your papers with APA format directly in Microsoft word. (This
only works with Microsoft Word 2009 or newer, so if you are using Open Office
or an older version, you really need to upgrade)
1) Open Microsoft Office
2) Start writing your paper.
3) After you include your first source (after your first quote, paraphrase, or
summary), click on "References" at the top of the page.
4) Click on "Insert Citation" (make sure "APA" or "MLA" is selected
next to "style" depending on which style guide your university requires).
5) Under "Insert Citation" click "Add New Source."
6) A "Create Source" window will pop up. Use the form to enter all
the information about the source you can. If you don't have every single pieces
of information, that is OK. Just fill it out to the best of your ability. But
you should have all the needed information. If you don't, I would seriously
reconsider using that source.
7) Click "OK."
8) Now the source you just entered will appear only as an in-text citation. But
don't worry, the rest of the information was saved too.
9) After you use a source again, if it is a new source, then follow steps 5 and
6 again. But if you are only using a source you used before, you will now see
it listed as an option when you click on "Insert Citation." Just
click the name of the source you quoted, and it will automatically add the
in-text citation for you. Every time you enter a new source, it will be added
to this list. (It's just so easy! I love it!)
10) After you are done with your paper, you now need to generate your
bibliography. This used to be actually the most difficult part of writing a
paper. Now all you do is click "Bibliography" and select
"Bibliography." BAM! There is your bibliography, perfectly formatted
and done!
11) It is still up to you to make sure that your paper is using the right font.
The whole paper should be Times New Roman size 12, black font. Also make sure
"Bibliography" is changed to “References” for APA format or changed to "Works Cited" for MLA formatting and is centered.
the question i do have about MLA formatting is what kind of quotes are you supposed to include i find the MLA formatting a little difficult as it is my first time using this format.