Sunday, January 13, 2013

Help with Comma Usage

I thought it might be useful to provide you with a list of when to use a comma.
Comma Usage:
•         Compound Sentences:
o   Bob went to the store, but we stayed behind.
o   Lisa and Jen enjoy baseball, and they attend games regularly.
•         Complex Sentence:
o   While they appreciated the gesture, they had to return the gift.
o   Because the students studied all night, they passed the test.
•         Introductory Phrases and Words:
o   After Charles II’s death, his brother James received the crown.
o   In 1688, William and Mary replaced King James II.
o   Consequently, the English monarchy came to adopt the values of the Whigs.
•         Setting off NON-ESSENTIAL information in the middle of a sentence:
o   George W. Bush, the current president, was once the governor of Texas.
o   Dr. Jones, who received his degree from the University of Alabama, currently works for us.
o   Lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, kills more than 153,000 Americans each year.
o   The shift in leadership, therefore, affected the pay scale.
•         Lists of three or more:
o   Plato’s Republic comments on art, literature, and politics.
•         Coordinate Adjectives:
o   A rusty, dented car was left behind.

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